Thursday, April 15, 2010

Vacation with Uncle Ass (Jimmy)

So, Cooper and I decided to take a little vacation and bug Uncle Jimmy on his spring break.... fun times!  Jimmy had to study most of the time, so Cooper and I visited some of my friends and hung out one day with Auntie Lisa (she has some super good pics of Cooper in a "spring garden" at the Easter Bunny area of South Coast Plaza... gotta get them!)  We had fun, even though we did get asked by a security guard to please stop taking pictures of Cooper and to stop letting him sit on the display.  Whatever, I was holding him the entire time because I didn't want to wreck anything or have him get dirty... geeeez!  Thank you Uncle Jimmy for letting us stay with you.... no, actually, you should thank us for entertaining you, eating your food, taking baths on your stove, making you get me yogurt, making you help me carry Cooper's stuff in... you know, all the good stuff in life!!! 

Jimmy and Cooper in front of Bubba Gumps in Long Beach... and yes, Jimmy knew the husband of our waitress, he knows everyone I guess.... just like Dad!

What a dork! Long Beach downtown. It was very pretty, I wish it wasn't as cold and there were more things to do at the Pike!

Easter, the basket Jimmy gave Cooper.... how did it end up on his head??  Mature Jimmy, real mature!

1 comment:

NicholsSouth said...

Aaaawww, it looked like you guys had fun! I'm sure Jimbo enjoyed your company and getting to spend time with his nephew no matter how much he complained. :) What a good brother! Haha!