Saturday, June 23, 2012


I am so sorry that I have been slacking lately!!  Parker just turned 8 months yesterday... and my big boy has 3  months left until he turns 3!!!!  Ahhhh, where has the time gone?!?!  They are growing so big so fast it is craziness!  Almost makes me want a baby around at all times so I can feel young... selfish I know!  I def. enjoy my time with the little monsters, and we have developed a mutual understanding of "mommy time," nap time, bath time, and bed time.  

Parker is wayyyy more of a Mommy's boy then Cooper for sure!  He loves being with me (not bragging).  Cooper loves being with Andy though.  I have been venturing out by myself and the boys more and more often now.  Sometimes I long for the days of toting around 1 child in a car seat.  That was simple!!  Yes, with 2 boys I can reminisce of the days of worrying about only 1 child... So easy to do, so easy to pack for, so easy to keep track of.  Parker is still very easy... and Cooper is actually pretty good too.  He has some hearing issues (by that I mean, he tunes me out already!) But, while we are out by ourselves, he seems to recognize my elevated stress level and acts appropriately.  Thank God!  

Cooper is super smart in my eyes!  He knows what so many things are I had no clue he knew.  He is speaking in sentences...almost in the right tense as well.  He cleans up after himself for the most part, and he loves his food still!!  The funniest thing in the recent days has been that he thinks Parker is soooo gross when he is eating!!  He always tries to wipe Parker's face because of the baby food mess I leave on it.  Hilarious I tell you!  He is OCD about messes, don't know where that came from :)

He loves playing in the water!!

PEAS!!!!  First time, doesn't like food too much...but I am not giving up.  This kid will LOVE it soon enough!

Parker almost took a face digger during this pic... I saved him!

Me and my babies!

Brotherly love!