Tuesday, March 6, 2012

March tid bits

I want March to be a "stay at home and enjoy life" type of month. With that being said... there are lots of things going on here!! Parker is a little wiggle warm who can roll over front to back and vise-versa!!! Coop is trying to make it to the big boy potty...uhm, ya, we need to work on that! The house is slowly being organized. I feel like Monica from friends, but it is wayyyy harder to keep things clean with two little ones around. Oh well, I always knew the day would come where things couldn't be spotless and left the way I placed them.
New things... got a 4 door car so I don't have to contort my body to get the kids in the Civic. But, that meant I had to say goodbye to my baby girl. It was VERY depressing to say goodbye after a decade of being together!! That car was well taken care of... better be kept that way MOM!!! Other new things, not much!

I FINALLY found an Uncle onesie!! What do you think of the model??
He likes to wear his undies, just doesn't understand how they work yet
This is JED... we went to Stars On Ice and had a blast... even when bbq was thrown on us (and my Coach purse which kinda sucked!)
We went to a wedding reception in San Clemente, at a beach house, literally on the beach. We even saw dolphins!
Sunset with the bug
Cooper dressed up as Woody for Samantha Fuji's princess party.
There was a bounce house... need I saw any more?
Parker was trying out the excersaucer. He always has such a pleasant look on his face (when he isn't crying)
Cooper demonstrating how to use the excersaucer
The boys
Parker got a Mickey onesie and hat for Vday, I LOVE it!!
Cooper is finally using the hooded blanket for nap time. I found it and he loves it


NicholsSouth said...

Your boys are adorable! They grow so fast. Copper and Parker look so much alike! Good luck with the potty training!

Sarah said...

You don't know me ( sorry to blog stalk) but I am for the uncle is awesome shirt. So hard to find! Where did you find it?

andyandnaomi said...

Sarah....totally just saw this but, Macy's!