Friday, October 16, 2009

More Cooper coming at you!!


Belly Bath... highly recommend it...he LOVED it!
No tears here!!!!
Junior firefighter!
First family picture outside of hospital (stn 51)
Yea Sparky!!!!!

The boys are all sleeping!
Cooper's first car ride home .... from the hospital
Cooper's first time in the coolest swing ever!
His first wipe down... hated it!
See, HATED it!!!

So these past three weeks have gone by super fast!  Cooper is "official" according to social security.  I can't believe he will be a month old next week!  I wish I could go out and show him to the world, but the Dr. said not to for 4-6 weeks, not to mention they are predicting the worst flu season ever.  So I am patiently waiting.  Besides that, Cooper and I survived our first night without Andy.  It wasn't bad at all.  We still miss him when he is working... he does a LOT for Cooper when he is home, and for that I am grateful!

Cooper doesn't like his crib so much yet.  He loves to be held, and is slowly liking his swing more and more.  He does very well in his carseat thank goodness.  Kronk is a little jealous, and unfortunately relapsed on his meningits yesterday, so time with Cooper has been cut down alot.  He seems to be doing better today though.  Cooper just stares at Kronk when he is around, it's pretty funny to watch his reactions to things.  Babies make so many faces, especially when they sleep!  All in all, things are going well with us!


Laura B. said...

so cute! thanks for sharing! I can't wait to come see him.

sam and brittney said...

SOO cute!! I showed James the pictues and he can't wait to meet his cousin! Sam and I are very interested in how that Belly Tub works. I have never heard of one.