I should be in deep REM sleep at this ungodly hour... but I am obviously not. Tonight Cooper and I had a little Mommy/son date at Urgent Care. It was fantastic... poor guy has conjunctivitis. Lame! I am glad we went down tonight instead of waiting. My gut had spoken and this time, I listened. I just hope that Parker doesn't get it, but the Dr. gave me a bigger bottle of drops just in case.
With that being said, can Cooper and Parker stop growing up so fast?!?!?! Holy cow, it is crazy how fast this is all happening. Cooper doesn't say his "cute" versions of words anymore.... he gets upset and corrects me if I say words the way he used to say them. Parker follows Cooper around and idolizing him! Whatever Cooper does, Parker has to try as well. So, I have to constantly remind Cooper that he has to be good so Parker will be good too. It is actually really really cute. Cooper does spins, Parker marches in circles. Cooper coughs a real cough, Parker coughs a fake one to match. Cooper plays with a toy, Parker wants to play with the toy, Cooper gets upset and takes away toy.... Mommy gets upset and puts toy upstairs, problem solved!
Andy and I had our first real "vacation" since I was pregnant with Cooper. My friend got married in Vegas, so we went up for two and a half days. It was definitely great, but I did miss the boys. Oh well, they were being spoiled at grandma and grandpa's house! I don't get how people can just leave their kid or kids all the time to go away... I felt like I was burdening my parent's and Andy's mom for those days. Two kids are a lot to handle!!! I know this because I do it a lot by myself, and there are some days I barely survive. I believe that since it was my choice to have kids, they are mine and Andy's sole responsibility, and if we get to get away for even a few hours once every 6 months, it is nice. So, thanks grandparents!! The mini vacation and rare date times are amazing for us, but I am sure you have an idea!
Enough ranting... on to the pics that are in no order what-so-ever!
Parker in the bath tub...don't remember what he was doing
He loves that hat, and every time Cooper is at school, he wears it
Fell asleep at the zoo!
Pirate Cooper, such a ham!
Pirate Cooper, Sir Parker, and Cowboy Daddy
All grown up!
Fun times at Costco
Big boy...his head is pretty big compared to his skinny body
Cooper waking up
Cooper chose his fav crackers to take to the class picnic
At the lake during the field trip. They LOVE the ducks
My "prodigy" can make a t...and some more letters
Easter egg hunt in town
I think he thinks he is like Kronk
Coop is Parker's personal chauffeur
Yes, he put all his toy animals out and facing the same way. OCD
Someone doesn't belong here
My boys!
I have a pic like this with Cooper too
Parker LOVED riding on Andy's shoulders
Some type of extinct manatee. Natural History museum
Dino play area
Seaport Village cow chair
Trapped on the USS Midway
Ahhh, he is driving already!!
Flight Deck statue
Best pic I could get on ST. Patty's day
Dying Eggs...only one broke!!
Getting ready for Easter Egg hunt
I love this pic
Again, big boy!
Growing up too fast
Easter morning!
Visiting Andy at work on Easter!
Parker just wanted to run all over the station
Cooper found all the eggs the Easter Bunny left for him
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